Sonntag, 6. November 2011

Washington D.C.

On our last day in the USA, we went to Washington D.C. To see as many sights there as possible, we started at 5.30 am. Nearly all students slept until we stopped at McDonald’s to grab breakfast. During the remaining bus ride, we watched Transformers.

At about 11 am we arrived in Washington and started our tour with the Capitol that houses the Senate. Mr. Tower, our Knoch Security Officer, was the tour guide and showed us the National Gallery of Arts next. It is a huge, nice building with a beautiful fountain inside and that displays one of the world’s finest art collections.

Our next sight was the Washington Monument. As it was such a nice and sunny day we took the opportunity to make some nice group pictures in front of it. Then we went on to see the White House that was heavily guarded so we were not even allowed to advance to the huge fence surrounding it.

Afterwards we took a walk through one of the many parks of the U.S. capital and went to the Memorial of the Vietnam War, which is a huge, seemingly endless wall with thousands of names engraved in it. Each name stands for a dead soldier. It was very sad to see how many people died in this war.

The last stop before heading to the airport was Lincoln Memorial with his huge statue in it. It reminded us all of the Walhalla in Regensburg. Then we had to get on the bus again and to say goodbye to our American hosts. It was a very, very sad and tearful moment! But we are sure that we have formed many deep and long-lasting friendships. Before this trip, we would not have imagined how close you can get with people in such a short period of time!!

Your German GAPP students

We proudly present the US capital J: