Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

Eva’s Halloween

Halloween! I was so excited about this day!
First we went to school with our host students, had classes, ate lunch at the school cafeteria …
On the bus ride home I had my first little Halloween experience. The bus driver was dressed up as a vampire and before we left the bus she gave us candy.
After eating something we looked for Halloween costumes. In the neighborhood where my host Erica lives Trick or Treat was from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, so we dressed up and left the house.
Erica told me before that I have to say “Trick or treat!” when somebody opens the door and then they will give us candy. At some houses the lights were off which means that nobody is at home or that they don’t want to be disturbed.
Even though it was raining there were many kids in the streets. We saw witches, ironmen, cheerleaders, fairies, football players and so on.
Of course, we got a lot of candy! When we came home we put all the stuff out of our bags and almost the whole table was covered!
I really loved my Halloween experience in America!