Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011

The Vocational-Technical School

After we visited the courthouse and the prison, we drove to the vocational-technical school in Butler County, which offers courses to prepare students to enter jobs in various occupations after High School graduation.
At first we got some food that was prepared by students of the cooking class. It was really delicious! We then visited many different classes and were informed about all the kinds of programs offered at this school such as nursing, photography, commercial arts, cosmetology, carpentry, heavy equipment repair, and welding.
It was nice to see such a variety and each teacher told us what the students were currently doing in their lessons. We had a nice guide there.
Then we went back to Knoch High School where our hosts were waiting for us.
Your German GAPP students
Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what the Vocational-Technical School looks like: