Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

Field Trip to Pittsburgh: Monongahela Incline and Just Ducky City Tour

Our day started at 7:40 am with different lessons in the High School. We went with our exchange partners to their classes and enjoyed arts, physics, P.E., history, etc …
At 10 am we met in the hall to leave school for an exciting trip to Pittsburgh. It was a one hour drive in one of the famous yellow school buses.
The first sightseeing we did in Pittsburgh was the Monongahela Incline, which is a small kind of train that drives uphill. On top, we had a wonderful view over Pittsburgh, so we took a lot of amazing pictures.
Back down in the city, we went to the Hard Rock Café where we had lunch (delicious burgers!).
Then the “Just Ducky” vehicle arrived. It looks like a little bus but it can also drive in the streets or on the water. The tour guide drove us through the city and explained some interesting facts about Pittsburgh and its past as a steel town. The funniest thing was that we had to “Quack, Quack, Quack” like a duck during the trip.
On the water some students were allowed to drive the vehicle. It was a really funny, unforgettable adventure!
Your German GAPP students

And now have a look at our pictures!