Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

Getting to America

We started our trip to America at 6:30 am in Weiden. About 3 hours later we arrived at the airport in Munich. For some of us it was their first time to fly on the plane so we were very excited!
The flight was so long – it took nearly 10 hours! We spent most of our time watching movies on our own TVs at touch screens in front of us.
When we finally arrived in Washington D.C. it was 3:00 pm local time! We had to endure long passport controls during which our fingerprints were taken. There are really strict rules!
Mr Trofimuk picked us up at the airport and told us that he had a surprise for us. The Butler Tourist Bus came and after putting our baggage into the bus we went on. Suddenly the American students who had been hiding behind their seats screamed, “Surprise!”

We were so happy to see them and we talked the whole bus ride long! All our tiredness was instantly forgotten. So although it was a really long journey, we have been so excited to be here!
Your German GAPP students