Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

Pittsburgh College Football Game

The last event in Pittsburgh before we went back home to Saxonburg was visiting a College football game at Heinz Field.
We arrived there at about 6 pm, which was two hours before the game started. So we had enough time to take photos of the field and the nice view over the city of Pittsburgh at night.
At about 7:45 pm the performance of the Marching Band began and they played the American National Anthem. We’ve never seen something like this!
Then the game finally started. The Pittsburgh Panthers played against the Connecticut Huskies. A few minutes after the beginning, a bad accident happened. One of the best Pitt quarterbacks injured his leg and had to leave the field. Nevertheless the Panthers had some homeruns and scored many points. It took us some time to figure out the rules of football but with the help of some Americans we finally got it! After the second quarter we bought something to eat. It was quite expensive there. A hot dog costs about 6 dollars!
Because we were all tired and it was quite cold we left the game after the third quarter. It was a great new experience!
The following day we found out that our team, the Pittsburgh Panthers, won the game!
Your German GAPP students

The amazing Heinz Football Stadium: