Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011

Our first day at High School

After a short night and a delicious American breakfast we arrived at Knoch High School.
We first met in the auditorium and had a short introduction of the High School and its rules. The principal, Mr Moxie, told us that there are about 200 security cameras and that the entrances are locked after school starts (from 7:40 am until 2:40 pm).
After this we had a tour of the whole building. Every teacher has their own classroom so the students have to change rooms every lesson. If they do not get to their next class within 4 minutes, there’s detention!
Before we went to the classes with our exchange partners, we had been welcomed with a snack.
Afterwards we enjoyed 4 different classes, which was really exciting!
Then we spent the evening with our host families. Some of the students met at a real American Football Game (Knoch High School vs. Highlands) while others went to the cinema.
All in all we can say that it was a REALLY exciting, funny, awesome, (…) special first day with our exchange partners!
Your German GAPP students

Some impressions from Knoch High: